The AI
Personal CRM

Strata is AI for your professional network. Be more thoughtful and helpful with the people that matter most.

Start your 14-day free trial. $19 per month after.

grow your professional network

Invest in Your
Most Valuable Asset

your network

Strata helps you invest in your network, no matter how busy you are. Get intelligent outreach recommendations that strengthen your professional relationships. With our easy to use platform, you’ll be more thoughtful and helpful to the most important people in your network.

Be Better With The People
in Your Professional Network.

Our platform makes building meaningful relationships easy and fun. From finding people to meet during your trip to LA to catching up with someone you haven’t talked to in too long to fostering new connections, Strata makes nurturing your network the best part of your day.

Always Stay
Top of Mind

With our intelligent recommendations, you’ll always know who to reach out to, when, and what to say.

personal crm playlists

Be Authentic
at Scale

Enhance your outreach with our templates that jumpstart the conversation and make a good impression.

Uncover Your Best

With Stata’s network graphs, you can visualize your networks and pinpoint opportunities for relationship building.

professional network app

Supercharge Your Inbox

Strata unlocks insights from your inbox to make your outreach smarter and easier.

grow professional network

Stay Connected

Never lose touch with your most important contacts by subscribing to network playlists based on your goals.

New Roles

professional contact scheduler
crm for networking contact

New Roles

Samantha just joined Realmedia Telecom; congratulate her.

Maintain Old Relationships

manage online professional relationships
venture capital crm user

Maintain Old Relationships

It’s been a year since you reached out to Jerome, let’s see how he’s doing.

Birthdays and Holidays

reaching out to professional contacts
personal network management software user

Birthdays and Holidays

Jessica turns 45 tomorrow, wish her happy birthday.

Intro Feedback and Thank Yous

manage online professional network
contact management software user

Intro Feedback and Thank Yous

Let Mark know how much that introduction meant to you.

Meetings and Events

relationship management app

Meetings and Events

Follow up with Jake after last week’s TechCity Trade conference.

Secure & Intuitive

no data entry crm

No more data entry

Strata syncs with your email and calendar to source relationship data and eliminate busy work.

Security you can trust

We keep your data secure. We’ll never sell it or share it with other Strata users.

Unlock the Full Potential of Your
Professional Network